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How to Apply - Admissions Arrangements for Harris Academy Nursery for 2025-2026

Harris Academy Chobham is a state comprehensive school which welcomes children of all backgrounds and abilities.

Chobham consists of a nursery with 52 full time equivalent admissions; a primary phase of 630 students; Years 7-11 made up of 900 students a sixth form of 300 students.

Our annual admissions number of Reception is 90 children, for Year 7 210 children and for Year 12 150 students.

Applications for Nursery 2025 open on Monday 6th January 2025 and will be open until Monday 31st March 2025.  Nursery applications are dealt with and are to be made directly to the academy. You can download the application form at the bottom of the page or collect from the Primary Reception desk.

You must submit your application in person the Primary reception desk and provide original documents for proof of ID and address.  Applications emailed in will not be accepted.

If your child was born in between 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022 then they will be due to start Nursery in September 2025.

Please do not apply unless your child will be 3 years old before September 2025 as the application will be rejected.

If the child turns 3 years old in the term after September, then they are due to start nursery the following September (2026).

The Academy Nursery has an agreed admission number of 52 full-time equivalent pupils. The nursery school will be split into two sessions (Morning and Afternoon) - 52 applicants will be accommodated in each session in a mixture of full-time and part-time places.  

Morning Session    8.15am-11.30am
Afternoon Session 12.00pm-3.15pm
Full-Time Session   8.15am-3.15pm

15 hours eligibility = 3 hours per day, 5 days per week
30 hours eligibility = 6 hours per day, 5 days per week

For those parents not entitled to the additional 30 hours funded childcare, we can offer a paid full-time place, at a cost of £75 per week charged half termly, paid in advance of the half term starting. All full-time places are subject to 5 days a week

Admission to the Nursery does not guarantee admission to the academy's Primary provision, and a separate application must be made for transfer from the Nursery provision to the Primary provision. 

If under subscribed, all applicants will be admitted. If oversubscribed, the following criteria will apply in the order of priority shown.

Nursery Provision Over-subscription Criteria

  1. Looked after children or previously looked after children
  2. Children with Education Health Care (EHC) plans where the school is named in the plan.
  3. Children of staff at the school where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made.
  4. Children who, on the date of admission, will have an older sibling (i.e. a natural brother or sister, or a half brother or sister, or a legally adopted brother or sister or half-brother or sister, or step brother or sister who will be living with them at the same address at the date of their entry to the Academy) in years R-6 of the Academy. Proof of the sibling relationship will be required (short birth certificates).
  5. The remaining places will be offered to children who live nearest to the front gates of the Primary phase site of the Academy that is the distance from the Academy entrance in a straight line. Proof of residence will be required (council tax bill, utility bill).

Admissions Policy 


Page Downloads

Nursery Application Form 2025 26 07th Oct 2024 Download
Title Date  
Harris Academy Chobham Determined Admissions Arrangements 2024 25 07th Oct 2024 Download
Harris Academy Chobham Determined Admissions Arrangements 2025 26 07th Oct 2024 Download

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