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Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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What are the Nursery hours?

The Nursery is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 3.00pm.
AM session runs from 8:30am until 11:30am.
PM session runs from 12.00pm to 3.00pm.
FULL-TIME sessions from 9.00am to 3.00pm.

Do you offer a 15 hour stretched service, where I can use my 15 hours as I want during the week?

No. Once you have been allocated to a part-time or full-time session, you are required to attend Monday to Friday at the session times listed.

When can my child start to attend Nursery at Chobham?

The September after his/her 3rd birthday. The academic year runs from September to August.  

How do I apply for a place?

You can apply for a Nursery place via the Harris Academy Chobham website here: 

What is the deadline for applications for a September 2024 start?

You must apply before the closing date of Friday 5th July 2024.

Do I have to pay for a part-time place?

No. 15-hour part time places are free of charge and are universal, regardless of whether you are working or not.

Do I have to pay for a full-time place?

Yes. If you have not provided a valid 30-hour code to the academy before your child starts, you will be required to pay admission fees. More information on admission fees and 30 hours can be found here:

Can I change from part-time to full-time?

Yes. You can change from part-time to full-time at the end of each term provided spaces are available and you have either paid the admission fees or supplied a valid 30-hour code.

Does my child have to wear school uniform?

Yes. Your child will be required to wear uniform. Our uniform policy, uniform list and school uniform provider information can be found on the Harris Academy Chobham site here:

What happens when my child starts Nursery?

You will need to complete admissions paperwork and provide proof of identity and address before starting. After this, a home visit is conducted.

We want to find out as much as possible about your child and their routine and we’ll ask you to fill out a form called ‘All About Me’ that will give us important information about their home life, routine and what they do and don’t like.We’ll ask about things like allergies, medical needs, their language and physical development etc.

To support your child’s transition, you’ll be asked to bring them in for settling in and transition days.This usually consists of three 1 or 2 hour sessions prior to your child starting their full sessions with us. After the first transition day when you will be invited in to spend a longer period with us, if your child is happy, we encourage you to leave your child with us. We are very happy to call you to let you know how they are getting on if you are worried.

If my child attends Chobham Nursery, will I automatically have a place for Reception the following academic year?

No. You must still apply for a Reception place. More information can be found on the Harris Academy Chobham website here: